
What’s New on the Forum: Identity, Self-Acceptance, and Health

By 4:00am PST July 21, 2020

LGBTQ+ Youth Resources: Identity, Self-Acceptance, and Health 


“I really recommend exploring ways to celebrate yourself. It can be as easy as reading more queer literature, watching more movies about queer people, listening to queer musicians, playing dress-up by yourself…Whatever it is that makes you feel celebrated on your own, let’s not let that go to waste just because we are in quarantine. You are strong, beautiful, and amazing. Your identities deserve to be celebrated. ” – Maddy, Peer Health Exchange 


In partnership with Peer Health Exchange, we’ve compiled a list of resources for LGBTQ+ youth to help young people access spaces and structures that support, affirm, and celebrate their identities. In this video, we’ve tapped college student Maddy—who identifies as queer—to share how she is staying in touch with that aspect of her identity while at home. Even while social distancing Maddy explains how she finds ways to celebrate her identity in this video. 


  • When the School Doors Closed: Voices of Empathy and Resilience 

    • (Watch)
      We’ve added another video to our series When the School Doors Closed. Filmed by the award-winning documentarian Lee Hirsch, the series explores the crucial role that educators play in the lives of students and families during the COVID-19 crisis. This installment offers advice from students to educators on how to support students. 
  • Does Voting Matter? Find Out With Logan Browning

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      Logan Browning—the star of Netflix series “Dear White People”—surprised Da Vinci RISE High students to talk about the importance of voting. If you’re a high school student, know that your voice matters. And you can use it to empower others to vote. 

Be sure to browse upcoming content too.

Editorial Associate, XQ Institute. Hana is a recent graduate of Barnard College in New York and has spent the last two years working around issues of economic inequality, welfare reform, and gender justice.