
Want to create a more inclusive school? Give students a voice

By 7:35pm PST June 05, 2019

Maryland high school students find on-campus forums make all the difference.

An Ideal System for Combating Division

The Importance of Dialogue

“At my school, there was no way for students to process it,” Rahel said. “It was really tense. Not having dialogues was really problematic.”

A Safe Place

It’s About Creating Genuine Connections

“We’re not prescribing anything, we’re just teaching people skills to listen to each other and talk about their experiences,” Rakshita said. “It helps create relationships, not just with other students but with teachers, too. When students feel like they’re being heard and valued at school, they’re able to succeed academically. … It’s about creating genuine connections.”

Tapping Into People’s Humanity

Former Senior Writer, XQ Institute