
Ryan Edwards

Ryan is a bit of a professional journeyman with many interests. With over a decade of experience in education, hospitality, and consumer goods, he lives in Oakland, working full-time in the cannabis industry and part-time for a large supply chain and logistics entity. In his spare time, he freelance reviews educational curriculum for a publishing company and works on his first collection of short stories of his many adventures.

Ryan Edwards

Ryan is a bit of a professional journeyman with many interests. With over a decade of experience in education, hospitality, and consumer goods, he lives in Oakland, working full-time in the cannabis industry and part-time for a large supply chain and logistics entity. In his spare time, he freelance reviews educational curriculum for a publishing company and works on his first collection of short stories of his many adventures.

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My Journey as a Black Teacher in America

XQ gathers and shares voices from educators, families, students, and communities to illuminate the inequiti...

Exam at school with student's taking educational admission test in class, thinking hard, writing answer in university classroom, education and world literacy day concept

My Journey as a Black Teacher in America

XQ gathers and shares voices from educators, families, students, and communities to illuminate the inequiti...

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