
Casey Pettit

Casey Pettit is a LICSW in Boston and the Director of Strategic Partnerships at Project Wayfinder which is an organization that works with schools to prioritize belonging and purpose as the foundation of learning. She currently teaches a purpose development course at Brown University and she runs a private practice in the Boston community. She spends her free time playing basketball, running, road biking, painting, hiking, and traveling — any excuse to soak in the beautiful world around us.

Casey Pettit

Casey Pettit is a LICSW in Boston and the Director of Strategic Partnerships at Project Wayfinder which is an organization that works with schools to prioritize belonging and purpose as the foundation of learning. She currently teaches a purpose development course at Brown University and she runs a private practice in the Boston community. She spends her free time playing basketball, running, road biking, painting, hiking, and traveling — any excuse to soak in the beautiful world around us.

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Strategies for White Educators Who Seek to Be Anti-Racist

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, I’m outraged, angry, and devastated. I’m also white—I’m ...

How to Stay Connected in our Classrooms during School Closures

This is part of a 4 part series from writer and Boston-based licensed clinician, Casey Pettit, and Project...

Strategies for White Educators Who Seek to Be Anti-Racist

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, I’m outraged, angry, and devastated. I’m also white—I’m ...

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How to Stay Connected in our Classrooms during School Closures

This is part of a 4 part series from writer and Boston-based licensed clinician, Casey Pettit, and Project...

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